
Building a boathouse is never a simple matter, all too often the sight of an improperly engineered structure on our beautiful Muskoka Lake shorelines can be seen as it is crashed, smashed and slowly destroyed by unforgiving ice and rising flood waters. Leaving the owners with both an expensive repair bill and an unsafe home for their equally expensive boat.

Our long history of building in Muskoka gives us a unique advantage in building proper housing for your prized and valuable boats. We understand the engineering challenges that are involved in creating a long-lasting and secure structure on even the most difficult and unforgiving shorelines of our area waterways.

Accompanying our own expertise in the challenging field of boathouse construction is our working relationship with engineers and architects with equal experience in building a structure that can stand up to the annual hazards that befall boathouses all across the region every year. Whether you need steel piers driven deep into a river bed to withstand devastating ice flows each spring or an elegant post and beam combination bunkie boathouse settled naturally into a harsh and difficult shore, we promise to use all of our extensive knowledge to give you the boathouse of your dreams that can both survive the flooding water levels and unforgiving ice each and every year without fail.

Contact us today to learn more about both the challenges and the incredible possibilities in building you the boathouse you've always wanted.

Transforming Dreams into Reality: Building Exceptional Homes and Cottages in Muskoka since 1985